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Sample - Selfie maker - see frames with your face and save them using spacebar

This sample requires TK library to run (for opening file dialog)

It also requires face detection model, see this tutorial to see how to compile one


Capturing process

Captured image


Source code

import cv2
import depthai

device = depthai.Device('', False)

pipeline = device.create_pipeline(config={
    'streams': ['previewout', 'metaout'],
    'ai': {
        "blob_file": "/path/to/face-detection-retail-0004.blob",
        "blob_file_config": "/path/to/face-detection-retail-0004.json",

if pipeline is None:
    raise RuntimeError('Pipeline creation failed!')

detections = []
face_frame = None

while True:
    nnet_packets, data_packets = pipeline.get_available_nnet_and_data_packets()

    for nnet_packet in nnet_packets:
        detections = list(nnet_packet.getDetectedObjects())

    for packet in data_packets:
        if packet.stream_name == 'previewout':
            data = packet.getData()
            data0 = data[0, :, :]
            data1 = data[1, :, :]
            data2 = data[2, :, :]
            frame = cv2.merge([data0, data1, data2])

            img_h = frame.shape[0]
            img_w = frame.shape[1]

            for detection in detections:
                left = int(detection.x_min * img_w)
                top = int(detection.y_min * img_h)
                right = int(detection.x_max * img_w)
                bottom = int(detection.y_max * img_h)

                face_frame = frame[top:bottom, left:right]
                if face_frame.size == 0:
                cv2.imshow('face', face_frame)

    key = cv2.waitKey(1)
    if key == ord('q'):
    if key == ord(' ') and face_frame is not None:
        from tkinter import Tk, messagebox
        from tkinter.filedialog import asksaveasfilename
        filepath = asksaveasfilename(defaultextension=".png", filetypes=(("Image files", "*.png"),("All Files", "*.*")))
        cv2.imwrite(filepath, face_frame)
        messagebox.showinfo("Success", "Image saved successfully!")

del pipeline
del device


Our network returns bounding boxes of the faces it detects (we have them stored in detections array). So in this sample, we have to do two main things: crop the frame to contain only the face and save it to the location specified by user.

Performing the crop

Cropping the frame requires us to modify the minimal working code sample, so that we don’t produce two points for rectangle, but instead we need all four points: two of them that determine start of the crop (top starts Y-axis crop and left starts X-axis crop), and another two as the end of the crop (bottom ends Y-axis crop and right ends X-axis crop)

                left = int(detection.x_min * img_w)
                top = int(detection.y_min * img_h)
                right = int(detection.x_max * img_w)
                bottom = int(detection.y_max * img_h)

Now, since our frame is in HWC format (Height, Width, Channels), we first crop the Y-axis (being height) and then the X-axis (being width). So the cropping code looks like this:

                face_frame = frame[top:bottom, left:right]

Now, there’s one additional thing to do. Since sometimes the network may produce such bounding box, what when cropped will produce an empty frame, we have to secure ourselves from this scenario, as cv2.imshow will throw an error if invoked with empty frame.

                if face_frame.size == 0:
                cv2.imshow('face', face_frame)

Storing the frame

To save the image we’ll use just a single line of code, invoking cv2.imwrite. Rest of the code, utilizing tkinter package, is optional and can be removed if you don’t require user interaction to save the frame.

In this sample, we use tkinter for two dialog boxes:

  • To obtain destination filepath (stored as filepath) that allows us to invoke cv2.imwrite as it requires path as it’s first argument
  • To confirm that the file was saved successfully
    key = cv2.waitKey(1)
    if key == ord('q'):
    if key == ord(' ') and face_frame is not None:
        from tkinter import Tk, messagebox
        from tkinter.filedialog import asksaveasfilename
        Tk().withdraw()  # do not open root TK window
        filepath = asksaveasfilename(defaultextension=".png", filetypes=(("Image files", "*.png"),("All Files", "*.*")))
        cv2.imwrite(filepath, face_frame)  # save the image to user-specified path
        messagebox.showinfo("Success", "Image saved successfully!")  # show confirmation dialog
        Tk().destroy()  # destroy confirmation dialog

Do you have any questions/suggestions? Feel free to get in touch and let us know!